Official Designation: República Portuguesa
Surface: 92 225.20 km2
Time: GMT in mainland Portugal and Madeira; GMT-1 Azores
Total Population: 10 639 726 (INE 2023)
Active Population: 5 402 300 (INE 2023)
Population Density: 115.4 inhabitants/km² (PORDATA 2023)
Foreign Population: 1 044 606 (AIMA 2023)
Largest City: Lisbon - 2.9 million inhabitants, Lisbon Metropolitan Area (PORDATA 2023)
Official Language: Portuguese
Portuguese Speakers Worldwide: 265 million
World Ranking: 8th most spoken language
Costal Line: 2 500 Km
Exclusive Economic Zone: 1.7 Million Km2 (one of the largest worldwide)
Altitude: The highest altitude in mainland Portugal is in Serra da Estrela (1 993 m), while in the Islands, it is in Pico Island, Azores (2 351 m)
Weather: 244 days of sunshine per year (soft winters and mild summers)
Students enrolled in higher education (nº): 448 235 (DGEEC 2023/2024)
Graduates (nº):
- 95 608 (2023)
- 22% in Finance, Management and Law.
- 18% in Engineering.
- 9% in Maths, Sciences and Technologies.
Higher Education Institutions (nº): 288
Currency: Euro
Economic Activity: Services (77% of GVA), Manufacturing, Construction and Energy (21% of GVA), Agriculture, forestry and Fishing (2% of GVA).
GDP per capita: 25 756 EUR (2023)
Unemployment rate: 6.5% (2023)
Fiscal Balance (% of GDP): 1.2% of GDP (2023)
Government Debt: 99% of GDP (2023)
Current Account Balance: 1.4% of GDP
Inflation: 5.3% (2023)
Exports (% of GDP): 47.5% (2023)
Road Network: 14 325 Km, of which 3 065 Km are highways.
Rail Network: 2 527 Km
Airports: 15, of which 5 are international - Lisbon, Oporto, Faro, Beja, Funchal (Madeira) and Ponta Delgada (Azores).
Ports: 9 - Viana do Castelo, Leixões, Aveiro, Figueira da Foz, Lisbon, Setúbal, Sines, Faro and Portimão.
Regime: Democratic State
Sovereign Bodies: The President of The Republic, The Parliament, The Government and The Courts
The President of the Republic: Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (term of 5 years since 2021)
Prime-Minister: Luís Montenegro (elected in March 2024)
Autonomous Regions: The archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores are autonomous regions of Portugal, with their own political and administrative structures with governing bodies.
Main International Alliances:
- Member State of the European Union
- Founding country of the Euro Zone
- Founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Member of the Community of Portuguese Speaking-Countries (CPLP)
- Member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)